DGS Aeroparts

3D Printing

As part of our commitment to produce high quality reliable parts, DGS Aeroparts are investing new and high tech equipment for the purposes of research, development and manufacture. One such investment is into state of the art industrial 3D printers, capable of producing parts with a number of composite base options including, Onyx, Onyx FR, Onyx ESD, and Nylon. These prints in turn can be reinforced depending on the requirements of the final manufactured part, with continuous fibre including Fibreglass, High Strength high Temperature Fibreglass, Kevlar or Carbon Fibre.


This investment affords us to manufacture one of parts, or short runs of parts to a detailed specification, using materials best suited for the components environment and purpose. Our machines are highly accurate, taking measurements during the printing process to ensure component conformity to the original CAD model.

This combined with our internal scanning capability and material analysis equipment means we can quickly and accurately identify material, take precise measurements, model, assess, prototype and manufacture with speed and accuracy.

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